An ergonomic office chair designed to alleviate back pain and provide optimal support for long hours of sitting.

Working From Home – Does DSE Still Apply?

The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations can apply to workers who:

  • work at home on a permanent or long-term basis
  • routinely split their time between their workplace and home (sometimes called hybrid working)

Your workers are display screen equipment (DSE) users if they work on DSE daily, for continuous periods of an hour or more. The regulations don’t apply to workers who use DSE occasionally or only for short periods of time at home.

DSE risk assessment

Where the regulations do apply, Continue reading…

Construction workers in protective gear reviewing blueprints at a table.

Preventing Accidents in the Workplace

People do make mistakes and equipment can malfunction, but much can be done to prevent accidents happening in the first instance.  Employers have a duty to effectively manage the working environment, their employees and those who may come into contact with their work, so that the likelihood of an accident occurring can be reduced to as low as reasonably practicable.

Complete suitable and sufficient Risk assessments

In order to know what will harm employees and visitors, employers need to assess the risks associated with the work that is carried out.  Continue reading…

Hazard sign reading COSSHH CUPBOARD Caution hazardous chemical stored here

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) – A Big Business Problem?

The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH) sometimes seem so complex they must surely be applicable only to a big business. This is not so: COSHH applies to all organisations.

Almost every business uses chemicals, even if just for cleaning, and the requirements of COSHH need to be considered. Expensive and unnecessary issues can arise if COSHH risk assessments and controls are not put in place, even small quantities of chemicals can lead to ill health or injury.

Continue reading…

Calum’s Day in the life of Consultancy

Calum Cunningham had another busy week out on sites, visiting a range of different clients from small domestic property refurbishment to multi-story high rises and even a couple of storage units in between! Our Quarterly meeting was also thrown in for good measure, and a team bonding – relaxing punt – on the River Cambs. When the team are here, there & everywhere it’s so important to have these sessions. We’re in it together!

Well done Calum on delivering excellent Health & Safety advise to our clients, ensuring their Health & Safety is managed to a tip top standard! 🦺

What a team of Punters!

The Consulting Team came together last Thursday to review how the year is
going and catch up on any updates we may need to know in order to look after our clients with the best level of service possible. Then they escaped for the afternoon to enjoy the sun and some well-earned fun, punting in Cambridge 🌞

Health & Safety is a very important topic and one we take seriously, and in order to support you, we support our team by remembering to take some time out together and smile. 💙

With that in mind, we chose not to try and punt ourselves but let the professionals show us how it’s done!

A Day in the Life of a Consultant

Site inspections come in all shapes and sizes, and this week Adam has been busy at locations ranging from multi storey high rise buildings in London to private residencies in the countryside – nothing like variety for a bit of spice in life! But ulitmately safety is safety, and ensuring our clients stay compliant with current legislation is the aim for them and their workforce.

When you leave site knowing you have played your part in achieving the standards required, it’s a job well done – knowing we can all sleep soundly that night! 🦺