Join Calum on another Day in the Life of a Consultant!

Calum Cunningham has been a busy bee this October! 🏗️

He has been visiting new build high-rise construction sites, large earth movement projects and internal auditing manufacturing factories. Completely different environments with some very different hazards to control.

But ultimately the end goal is the same; to ensure that you, our clients, are compliant with specific industry requirements and business compliance. This way we can ensure your employees and others are protected, as far as is reasonably practical, without harm to their Health & Safety.

Throw into the mix a two-week NEBOSH course as part of Calum’s CPD training and the man never stops! Never stop learning, never stop growing!

#consultant #consulting #dayinthelife #healthandsafety #advisors #construction #newbuild #clientsite #compliance #audit

Working with Metal Working Fluid

As part of the HSE Work Right Campaign, the HSE is conducting inspections in the manufacturing sector.  Focusing of those businesses that use metal Working Fluids or Coolants in the Machining process.

In particular: Continue reading…

3D character with large blue question mark

I have seen and used the term So Far As Reasonably Practicable (SFARP) and As Low as reasonably Practicale (ALRP). But what is the difference?

This principle was established in The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, which sets out how health and safety should be managed in a workplace. The Act introduced a number of duties for employers and employees, with the aim of ensuring health and safety, but they are qualified by the phrase “so far as is reasonably practicable”.

The main purpose of this wording is to Continue reading…

Common Warehouse Hazards

Common Warehouse Hazards

If your business premises include warehouse facilities, you’ll already be aware of the issues involved in keeping warehouse staff safe. Warehouse hazards are complex due to the many different activities performed in warehouse settings, from lifting and handling heavy goods to managing moving vehicles such as forklifts. Continue reading…

Have You Had Your Visit Yet?

Moving and handling heavy or bulky objects on construction sites is needlessly harming the health of tens of thousands of workers every year. Work on construction sites can be physically demanding and many workers’ health is suffering due to pain in muscles, bones, joints and nerves that affect every aspect of their lives and in many cases their ability to work and earn a living.

HSE inspectors have been carrying out inspections of construction sites, Continue reading…

Revised Hazardous Wood Categories

The Environmental Agency has updated the categories of waste wood typically used in construction and demolition activities, which means any waste wood items from pre 2007 structures or waste classed as Grade D wood waste will need to be segregated and marked as hazardous waste.

Continue reading…

Update from HSE

From 4 September 2023, HSE inspectors will be carrying out inspections of construction sites, focusing on the health risks of moving and handling materials on site. 🦺

Click here to see how this initiative supports HSE’s communications campaign: ‘Work Right Construction. Your health. Your future’.