Is your racking safe?

The term ‘racking’ is used to describe a skeletal framework, of fixed or adjustable design, to support loads generally without the use of shelves. It is usually qualified (i.e pallet racking, tyre racking, drum racking, etc). Continue reading…

How to identify Japanese Knotweed

Japanese knotweed is an invasive and resilient weed. Its roots and rhizomes can grow to a depth of 2m. Even after herbicide treatment has “eradicated” the aerial and surface growth, the deep underground rhizomes can remain in a viable state and may do so for up to twenty years.

It can re-emerge and re-grow on its own accord at any time and especially if the contaminated ground is disturbed. If knotweed is left to grow untreated for a number of years it has the potential to cause damage to drains, paving, paths, driveways and poorly constructed boundary walls.
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Legislation/Consultation Updates

ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems – Requirements) will supersede OHSAS 18001 and is expected to be published in February 2018. The final draft standard for ISO 45001 will be published in November 2017.

If you currently have ISO 18001 when you transition to ISO 45001 you will see some significant changes which include the engagement of the workforce, Continue reading…

Ladder Safety Standards

Ladder standards have changed

Building on last month’s ladder topic, you should be aware of a substantial revision to BS EN 131 – the single British & European product standard covering all types of portable ladders (step, extending and combination). Continue reading…

COSHH Essentials in Construction: Silica

The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH) require employers to ensure that exposure is prevented or, where this is not reasonably practicable, adequately controlled. This guidance Continue reading…