£53,000 Fine for Poorly Fitted Scaffolding
A company, which employs fewer than ten people, was ordered to pay a fine of £53,000 after a fatal fall resulting from an insecure ladder. Continue reading…
A company, which employs fewer than ten people, was ordered to pay a fine of £53,000 after a fatal fall resulting from an insecure ladder. Continue reading…
Did you know the CITB has a specific scheme called the Skills & Training Fund that provides financial support to micro and small businesses to help them develop their workforce skill base?
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C&C are proud to announce the launch of the RAMS Module of VISION! If you are still using Word & Excel to create your safe systems of work then this could be the answer to your prayers!
CLICK HERE to register for your free 30 day trial or contact Sean Devine M: 07864 652481 or E: sdevine@ccconsulting.uk.com to book a free demonstration!
Investigation of workplace accidents and incidents is an essential part of the proactive management of health and safety. Undertaking investigations of both those accidents that result in injury or death, as well as near misses, in a systematic and organised way will benefit any organisation by identifying causes and underlying factors which can lead to lessons learnt and help prevent similar circumstances from recurring. Continue reading…
It is recommended in L153 guidance to the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM) that clients develop a “client’s brief” that sets out the client’s key requirements, project vision and communicates to others their “aims and aspirations” for the project.
The client brief may be a written document drafted by the client themselves or by a Principal Designer or designer/contractor following discussions with the client. The HSE recommends that the brief sets out: Continue reading…
The latest HSE stats show the number of cases of reported lung disease have been on an upward trend since 2014 and the number of cases of occupational asthma seen in 2017 are similar to reports 10 years ago. By way of bringing this workplace concern to the forefront of employers minds the HSE inspection focus on controlling dust in the workplace continues throughout July. Continue reading…
Health and Safety (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2018
Ionising Radiation (Basic Safety Standards) (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2018
17 January, 2020 – Directive 2017/2398 on the protection of workers from exposure to carcinogens or mutagens Continue reading…
If the reports are accurate we are in for a hot summer, and the subject of workplace temperature becomes as important in hot conditions as it does during cold winter months.
So ahead of potentially hot weather, it is worth being reminded of the relevant laws that govern indoor workplace temperature as set out by the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992. Continue reading…