The Covid-19 situation continues to escalate and as of 17th March, there have been 1,950 confirmed cases.  Although this number is extremely low compared to the UK population, to minimise the spread and future impact on our health, it is essential we follow the guidance given by the World health Organisation, Public Health England and the Government.

There are a number of risks posed by the virus that employers will need to be aware of, and it is important to remember that employers have a duty of care towards their employees and should take reasonable steps to protect the health and safety of their workforce. Continue reading…

Identifying a fragile roof

Under the Work at Height Regulations 2005 there are specific requirements in relation to fragile surfaces, but what defines a fragile surface and how easy is it to determine whether or not a roof is fragile? Continue reading…

Lone workers – keeping them safe

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) defines lone workers as those who work by themselves without close or direct supervision.

Employers must ensure that lone workers are at no more risk than other workers. Therefore, potential hazards that relate specifically to lone workers must be assessed by employers and appropriate action taken to reduce the risks. Here are some steps that employers must take to prevent harm to employees who are lone workers. Continue reading…

Your work’s Christmas Party – are you prepared?

Although Christmas parties are fundamentally a social and fun occasion, they are also official company-organised events, an extension of the working environment. In other words, if employees behave in an inappropriate, aggressive or dangerous manner while at the party, their employer may be responsible for their actions. Continue reading…

2019 HSE stats are out!

The HSE has released its 2018/19 summary report and is saying the number of injuries and incidents of ill-health across Great Britain are still too high.  Click here to read all the stats and the full summary.

DSE Online Assessment Tool Now Available!

VISION’s new DSE Assessment tool is a great way to get assessments completed quickly and efficiently online.  With action setting & tracking, reminders and re-scheduling assessment functions it couldn’t be easier to manage your DSE requirements.

Call Sean Devine today for a free demonstration and trial!  01525 309 807.

Abrasive Wheels – A Refresher

Portable abrasive cut off and grinding equipment has been a primary tool for multiple trades in industries for many years, but despite this the legal requirements for their use are still widely misunderstood.  When used poorly for the wrong application they can be lethal or at best cause life changing injuries.
Continue reading…