Continuation of services during January 2021 Lockdown

Following the Government announcement last night, as a large number of our customers are in the Construction and Manufacturing industries, to support their ongoing requirement for health and safely advice and site support, C&C will continue to provide services as normal. Continue reading…


Q:  It is freezing in our office, what is the regulated temperature in the workplace?

A: The law does not state a minimum or maximum temperature, but the temperature in workrooms should normally be at least:

  • 16°C or
  • 13°C if much of the work involves rigorous physical effort

Continue reading…

Your business & Covid QR Codes

The government have provided a service to create a QR code to display in your workplace or venue that visitors can scan when they arrive, using the NHS COVID-19 app. Continue reading…

C&C continues to provide Covid-19 support to businesses returning to work

It’s a challenging time for businesses returning to work and adapting working practices to include Covid-secure measures. We’re please to have been able to help numerous existing and new to C&C organisations in understanding their legal obligations as well as completing Covid risk assessments and guiding them on Covid-secure measures. Continue reading…

The Covid-19 situation continues to escalate and as of 17th March, there have been 1,950 confirmed cases.  Although this number is extremely low compared to the UK population, to minimise the spread and future impact on our health, it is essential we follow the guidance given by the World health Organisation, Public Health England and the Government.

There are a number of risks posed by the virus that employers will need to be aware of, and it is important to remember that employers have a duty of care towards their employees and should take reasonable steps to protect the health and safety of their workforce. Continue reading…