Employer Responsibilities for Providing Training & Information

Anyone who works for the employer needs to know how to work safely and without risks to health. The employer must provide clear instructions and information, and adequate training, for employees.

As an employer this can seem to be an insurmountable task, however, the law does permit a proportionate* approach, for example a low-risk business would not need lengthy technical training. Providing simple information or instructions is likely to be sufficient.  Continue reading…

A Safe Site Protects Everyone

Construction sites can be a health and safety nightmare, with multiple hazards to be identified and managed.  Responsible employers are aware that they have a duty of care to employees and site visitors, and manage their site effectively through scrupulous risk assessment and accident prevention procedures.  One such measure is training employees with regard to safe working practices. But what about those untrained members of the public who enter the site uninvited? Continue reading…

Local Exhaust Ventilation – What You Need to Know

LEV is an extract ventilation system that takes dusts, mists, gases, vapour or fumes out of the air so that they can’t be breathed in. Properly designed LEV will:

  • collect the air that contains the contaminants;
  • make sure they are contained and taken away from people;
  • clean the air (if necessary) and get rid of the contaminants safely.

The law says you must control the risks from hazardous substances (the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH)). Installing LEV may help you to do this. However, beforehand, you should consider other options first where it’s reasonably practicable to do so, such as: Continue reading…

Appointing Competent Health & Safety Assistance

Not only is it a legal duty, but it makes basic business sense to appoint individuals within your organisation to assist in meeting your health and safety legal duties.  There are a number of legally enforced appointments detailed in specific Regulations; the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order, Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations to name but a few.  Here is a little guidance on what the appointments mean to the employer: Continue reading…

LOLER Regulations – essential terms to help workers’ understanding

Equipment used for lifting a load is subject to stringent statutory and insurance stipulated requirements.

A common finding by our Advisors is the low level of site based workers understanding of the requirements of LOLER, in relation to everyday items used for lifting loads.

If you feel this is the case amongst your employees, to help we have outlined some ‘bitesize snippets’ of terminology out of the regulations to assist in developing your workers’ knowledge and understanding. Continue reading…

Accidents – Understanding Human Failures

One of the more challenging services offered by C&C Consulting, is investigating workplace accidents and incidents.  Initial internal findings are often presented as part of an evolving process.  Typically, these initial findings assign a blanket culpability at the feet of the involved parties, including the injured party in many cases often with no challenge as to why their ‘human failing’ contributed to or caused the incident.  Labels such as “he is just accident prone” seem to find their way into findings. Continue reading…

Work Related Road Safety

Managing the risks to employees who drive at work requires more than just compliance with road traffic legislation.

The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 requires employers to take appropriate steps to ensure the health and safety of their employees and others who may be affected by their activities when at work. This includes the time when they are driving or riding at work, whether this is in a company or hired vehicle, or in the employee’s own vehicle. Continue reading…