Spot your Principle Advisor

This month we had our first team meeting of 2023 where we discussed our goals for the year and how we plan on helping you all with your Health & Safety needs. It was also the perfect chance to show off our new jackets, now you’ll be able to easily spot your Principle Advisor on site when they next see you! 🦺

Planning for Snow and Ice Risks

As consultants an annual discussion arises with many clients regarding gritting/salting footpaths, parking areas, and access to the site and buildings. The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and indeed the Workplace, Health Safety and Welfare Regulations, stipulates that an employer must make all reasonable steps to provide a safe place of work.

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Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)

Over the years there has been a steady decline in the understanding of COSHH and its control measures in the workplace. Many believe that simply downloading a Safety Data Sheet and putting in a file, is compliant as a COSHH Assessment. It is not… A COSHH Assessment is a form of Risk Assessment (specifically for the use of hazardous substances), but must still follow the 5 principles:

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HSG168 Fire Safety in Construction

The industry has been waiting for some time, to access this revised guidance.  The aftermath of Grenfell and the new and updated legislation for the management of high rise premises meant that there would surely be an impact on the construction industry. Though not directly mentioned as there was no construction element involved in the Grenfell fire, the wider impact of elimination and managing fire risk in premises during the pre-construction and construction phase has been expanded, to give focused guidance inline with the expectations of the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015. Continue reading…

PPE – How to encourage your employees to wear PPE correctly

A frequent observation by our H&S advisors is that of employees not wearing the PPE/RPE provided by their employer, or worse still, not wearing it correctly.

Although PPE/RPE is issued as a last resort in risk management, meaning it is considered the last line of defence between the wearer and the exposed risk it has been provided to protect against, there are clear benefits of correctly worn PPE includng the reduced likelihood of long-term illness and serious damage from potential workplace incidents, and of course better compliance with both internal and external health and safety systems.  Here are some considerations that, as an employer, may assist in encouraging your employees to wear their PPE/RPE Continue reading…

Health & Safety in Cleaning Operations

Many cleaning operations involve the use of chemicals and equipment. Managers must ensure that cleaning staff are appropriately trained and that they are familiar with the risks associated with the performance of cleaning tasks in their specific work locations. Risks should be controlled so that cleaners, and any other users of buildings, are kept safe and free from danger of injury. Continue reading…

Why Digitising Your Health & Safety System Should be on Your Agenda

As the world becomes ever more reliant on technology and the benefits of digitisation are becoming more widely felt, health and safety management systems are now starting to follow the trend.  Manual, paperbased and spreadsheet systems are being replaced by cloud-based systems that provide instantly accessible and real-time information and here’s why: Continue reading…