How can you improve the use of eye protection in the workplace?

A client recently asked us how they can improve the use of eye protection in the workplace and the answer is simple:

As with all personal protective equipment (PPE), legislation makes eye protection “second-level protection” that is a control measure that does not eliminate the risk (last Resort). Therefore, if employees are not using the eye protection provided the risk is not being controlled.

Having confidence in the PPE to protect employees is important. If there is a lack of confidence, individuals may start to consider the cost (i.e. risks) of not wearing the eye protection.

Therefore, the first stage of ensuring usage is to include those who are required to wear the eye protection in the selection process. This will assist in highlighting the purpose of the eye protection and also ensure the most appropriate design is selected.

As well as training for wearers, guidance to the PPE Regulations suggests that supervision is vital to ensure PPE is properly used and that “those with a supervisory role are also provided with adequate training and instructions so that they have the necessary skills to carry out the job”. This may need to be reinforced by refresher training at appropriate periods.

The employer, in addition to the provision of instruction and training, may need to establish appropriate monitoring and possibly even disciplinary procedures to deal with repeat non wearing offenders, to ensure eye protection is being worn.